
Longquan City Market Supervision Enterprises "Double Random" Joint Spot Check Task Grouping Table

2017-10-18 14:10:47 33

Unit: The Work Plan of the “Double Random” Joint Spot-checking Activities in the Field of Market Supervision in Jianglongquan City has been studied and agreed by the leaders of the Bureau, and is now issued to you. Please organize and implement it carefully.

Longquan City Market Supervision Administration

October 18, 2017

"Double random" joint random inspection of enterprises in the field of market supervision in Longquan City

Activity Work Program

In order to earnestly implement the spirit of the “double random and one open” supervision on-site promotion meeting in the province ’s market supervision field, according to the Provincial Administration for Industry and The notification of the Joint Spot-checking Activity (Zhejiang Business Administration [2017] No. 21) and the unified deployment of the Lishui City Bureau, combined with the actual situation of Longquan, formulate the work plan as follows:

1. Work objectives

By comprehensively implementing the “double random” spot check system in the field of market supervision, establishing and consolidating the “standard-based supervision, one-off” mechanism with Zhejiang characteristics, enhancing the supervision ability in the event, reflecting fairness and justice, reducing the burden on enterprises, and optimizing the business environment To stimulate market vitality.

2. Working Organization

In order to ensure the smooth conduct of this spot check activity, the Municipal Bureau established a "double random" joint spot check activity leadership group (hereinafter referred to as "leading group"), with Director Ye Xiansen as the team leader, Deputy Director Li Chunhua as the deputy team leader, and the heads of the relevant units as the team member. As the leading department of the “double random and one open” supervision work, the Enterprise Supervision Department is responsible for overall coordination and supervision of the implementation of the work; the relevant business departments should provide business guidance on matters involving spot checks, and if necessary, can apply for additional business backbones to participate according to the inspection team. At the same time, it is necessary to do a good job in the dynamic management of the corresponding special database; the office should do system maintenance and technical support, and set up the account number and permission settings of all personnel in the warning system; the legal department should do a good job in the construction and management of the personnel database; discipline inspection The team supervises and evaluates the spot-checking activities throughout the whole process; each unit should strengthen the sense of solidarity and cooperation, and provide the logistic support for law enforcement and other assistance and assistance for the inspection teams to carry out spot-checking activities.

3. Work tasks

According to the joint random inspection tasks set by the Provincial Industry and Commerce Bureau, the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau, and the Provincial Food and Drug Administration and the randomly selected inspection objects, the tasks of this random inspection activity are four special random inspections for a total of 100 companies:

(1) Randomly check 92 information and registration items of the 2016 annual corporate report;

(2) Seven random-checked affiliated enterprises of the person whose dishonesty was executed;

(3) One unit of food business (sales) is randomly checked;

(4) Randomly conduct a random check on one drug operation (retail) enterprise.

In this spot check activity, "one spot check and comprehensive physical examination" were carried out on the inspected objects, and the same enterprise involved in the spot checks on market supervision in the field was completed at one time, realizing "full coverage and one check" in the field of market supervision.

4. Working steps

(1) Preparation stage (September 6-October 16)

1. Formulate work plan. According to the requirements of the provincial and Lishui city bureaus, accept the spot check task, adjust and confirm the list of enterprises under inspection, and formulate a work plan for the spot check activity in accordance with the actual situation, report it to the Lishui City Market Supervision Bureau, Lishui City Quality Supervision Bureau, and Longquan City Editorial Committee Office, and Longquan government affairs network announced (responsible unit: enterprise supervision section).

2. Determine the inspector. According to the random inspection tasks of each institute and the strength of law enforcement personnel, 11 inspection teams are formed, with 3 people in each group, including 1 law enforcement personnel from the industrial, commercial, pharmaceutical, and quality supervision categories. 1 person is the team leader and is responsible for the organization and coordination during the inspection process. Among them, Longyuan, Jianchi, and West Street each formed 2 groups, and Anren, Chatian, Badu, Jinxi, and Shangyang each formed 1 group (responsible unit: each market supervision office).

3. Select inspectors. In this random inspection, a random matching method was adopted between the inspection team and the inspected object, and the inspection team and the inspected enterprise were locked one by one (Appendix 1: The “double random” joint random inspection task grouping table of enterprises in the field of market supervision in Longquan City). Random inspection tasks for the enterprise (responsible unit: enterprise supervision section, discipline inspection group).

4. Organize business training. Compile and print the learning materials for the "double random" random inspection work, organize the system law enforcement personnel to learn the implementation rules and business standards of the "double random" random inspection supervision, understand the main function settings of the comprehensive supervision and warning system, and master the "double random" comprehensive random inspection management system (hereinafter referred to as " Spot check system ") related application operations (responsible unit: Enterprise Supervision Section).

(2) Implementation phase (October 17-October 30)

1. Pre-check comparison. According to the basic situation of the enterprise, in accordance with the "one-off" requirement, determine the "2 + X" matters involved in the spot check of the enterprise, that is, the enterprise registration items and the company's public information are mandatory, and other inspection contents are based on the actual situation of the enterprise Confirm that everything involved is included in this inspection. According to the "one enterprise, one table" method, print the special inspection table for each inspection item and the "Random Spot Check Record Form for Market Supervision" (summary table). At the same time, through pre-inspection comparison, if it is found that there are avoidance situations or inspection items that require the addition of specific personnel, apply to the leading group for adjustment or selection (responsible unit: each inspection team, enterprise supervision section).

2. Issue notice. Notify the inspected object, inform them of the relevant requirements for cooperating with the inspection, and prompt to prepare relevant materials. Among them, laws, regulations and rules clearly stipulate the inspection items that cannot be notified, and it is not allowed to disclose the relevant information to the enterprise (responsible unit: each inspection team).

3. On-site inspection. Refer to the inspection contents and operation essentials in the random inspection record form, and conduct on-site inspection on all random inspection items of the inspected objects. The number of on-site inspectors shall not be less than two, and they shall present law enforcement certificates. If abnormal conditions such as violations of laws and regulations are found, appropriate regulatory measures such as making on-site transcripts, preliminary evidence extraction, ordering the parties to stop illegal activities, and urging the parties to rectify and correct them shall be taken as appropriate. The relevant conditions shall be recorded in the “Records of Random Random Inspection in the Field of Market Supervision” For those who need to introduce special audits, inspections and other professional organizations to cooperate, promptly apply to the leading group and make overall arrangements for settlement (responsible unit: each inspection team, enterprise supervision section).

4. Result. After the completion of all inspection items, the inspector summarizes the inspection situation of each item, discusses and confirms the relevant inspection results in the special inspection table and the "Random random inspection situation record table in the field of market supervision" (summary table), of which each specific inspection table is specifically responsible for inspection The personnel sign and confirm, the summary form is signed and confirmed by all members of the inspection team and the team leader. The summary table also requires the legal representative (or person in charge, or a person who can represent the company on site) of the inspected company to sign and affix the company's official seal. If it is impossible to sign or seal for special reasons, explain the situation in the table, and the witness shall sign (or seal) for confirmation (responsible unit: each inspection team).

(3) Summary stage (October 31-November 15)

1. Enter the announcement. After the inspection results have been approved by the leaders in charge of the bureau, they will be entered into the spot check system and reviewed online, and will be publicized through the public notice system. The inspection result shall not be changed without notice, but if the inspection result is found to be incorrect afterwards, it shall be reported and corrected in time (responsible unit: each inspection team).

2. Subsequent handover. If it is found that the inspected object has violations of laws and regulations and needs follow-up management, fill out the "Double Random" Spot Inspection Supervision and Follow-up Disposal Form of the Longquan City Market Supervision Bureau (Annex 2), report it to the leadership team, and transfer it to the responsible person If the business institution needs to file a case for investigation, it shall be transferred to the case handling agency in accordance with the law and involved in the duties of other departments. In principle, the follow-up disposal shall be completed within three months after the end of the inspection task, and the relevant situation shall be recorded in the "Random Random Checking Situation Record Form in the Field of Market Supervision" and entered into the random checking system (responsible unit: each inspection team, enterprise supervision section).

3. Summarize and archive. The inspection teams sorted out the spot check activities, summarized the problems, and made suggestions. The “Record Sheet for Random Spot Checks in the Field of Market Supervision” (Summary Sheet), each special check sheet and the important evidence materials collected during the inspection process, as well as relevant materials for subsequent disposal, are required by the inspection team and subsequent disposal agencies in accordance with the requirements of one enterprise and one volume , Refer to the administrative punishment file format to organize into a volume, report to the leading group for collection and binding into a random inspection file, and archive for long-term storage (responsible unit: each inspection team, follow-up disposal agency, enterprise supervision section).

5. Work requirements

(1) Unify thoughts and raise awareness. The "double random, one open" supervision work is an important part of further advancing the simplification of government and decentralization, and deepening the reform of "decentralization, management, and service". It is also a major reform measure to strengthen supervision after the event. All units must attach great importance to earnestly study and implement the requirements and relevant regulations on "double random" supervision work of the State Council, the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial Government and higher authorities, and complete the random inspection tasks on time and with quality.

(2) Expand publicity and create an atmosphere. Adopt effective publicity methods to expand the social awareness and influence of the "double random" joint spot check work. Enterprises that have found problems during inspections should strengthen their disposal in accordance with the law and regulations, and deal with and expose the situation to those who refuse to accept inspections to form an effective deterrent, increase their awareness of "double random" spot checks, and increase their awareness of law-abiding operations Sex.

(3) Timely summary and continuous improvement. The "double random, one open" supervision work is a brand-new work, and the "full coverage, one check" mode is an innovative initiative of our province. The municipal bureau will establish a review system and directional guidance system for the doubts and difficulties of the spot check work, communicate and discuss the difficulties and problems encountered in the spot check activities in a timely manner, summarize and improve on this basis, further standardize the business operation process and improve the disposal mechanism for the future Provide a practical basis for the perfection and optimization of the "double random" spot check system.


1. Group table of "double random" joint spot check tasks for enterprises in the field of market supervision in Longquan City

2. Longquan City Market Supervision Bureau "double random" spot check supervision and follow-up disposal order